Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm back.

Most of you probably didn't even realize I was gone, but I headed home to YKT for the weekend and had a very nice, relaxing couple of days. My parents were the socialites of the century and had 3 different groups of company through my house in 4 days, but I still managed to spend some good time with them, and see some old friends. I had grand ideas of riding everyday, but only managed one ride in the 3 days I was there. Oh well. It was a very nice ride in the rain, which I don't have the chance to do often. My iPod died about 30 minutes into it, but it was fun to just ride and listen to the rain. I was surprised at how much fun I had exploring new roads through Nebraska and even getting downright lost for a while. I wish I would have had a camera because even though it was Nebraska, it felt like a foreign country with green rolling hills. I'm back now, ready to switch jobs and get back into a little more disciplined training groove. We'll see what the week brings. The picture is Simon (my brother from another mother) and I on Saturday night. We had a good time BBQing and sitting on a boat for a while. That's all for now. Stop by the IBizzle tomorrow and say hey if you're bored. Thanks for checking in.


Anonymous said...

i knew youre were gone and i missed you thursday night, its too bad. oh well, i guess we'll have to do it again. bring your a-game.


Anonymous said...

You have a great blog.....I sneak in and peek occasionally, always fun to read about cycling, as long as im not the one suffering.